Sunday 5th October, 2014

I’m going to say this a few times more in case my friends are all hiding under rocks but… I’ve had a book published by the name of 25 Ways To Kill A Werewolf, thanks to the help and support of Fox Spirit Books [External Link]. The linked page will (eventually) get you to the UK Amazon but most other “local” Amazon sites should also carry it. The ebooks (epub and mobi files) are now also available from Spacewitch [External Link].

However you get your copy, I’d appreciate some more reviews – on Amazon or the Goodreads page [External Link] or the Booklikes page [External Link] – or anywhere else that does liking books! (And if you think of anywhere I should be spreading the news about my book-baby, please let me know.)

The week just gone, I did a September update for the Ink Plan – and so you can see how much we’ve raised for the NAS [External Link]. There’s about three months to go (December 31st is the closing date for book sales to count towards my donation) so there’s still room for growth. And the slim possibility of a tattoo early next year!

Other things that have happened this week:

I posted a link to a Smallsword event in London in January. I hope to be able to make it. It actually depends on finances, so I shall be working all that out in the next couple of weeks. However, this is an explanation / reminder about how the events posts will work on here from now on. I’ll post both swordy and wordy things that interest me and that I hope to go to when I hear about them. Nearer the date, I’ll confirm whether I can make it with a comment or an edit to the original post (fingers crossed) but I won’t remove posts until the event’s over. Giving someone some extra exposure is giving someone extra exposure, after all.

I have a new piece of online… actually, I think it’s technically creative non-fiction but, for the purposes of easy filing, You Were Water has been posted under the Online Fiction category.

Sunday Stories are back on and, this week, it’s The Modern Pentathlete, a science fiction flash piece of about 1,000 words.

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