Giveaway: The House-Moving Giveaway

As you may or may not know, I’m in the process of moving. And I have a number of books. In order to make life a little bit easier, I’m having a cull of books I probably won’t read again. This may bite me in the butt if / when I change my mind, but so be it.

However, on to the giveaway!

In order to make a little bit more room, I have a … Continue reading

Monday 10th August, 2015

I have been to Nine Worlds [External Link] and it was good. I wasn’t quite so impressed with the service at the hosting hotel, but the event itself was great. Big, noisy and challenging but it was overall an enjoyable experience. I would like to think that Sarah, Kit and I also helped make it so for others with our HEMA for Writers: Swashbucklers and Bravoes presentation – although, to be fair, we spent a lot of time having our own mini-HEMA event within the con. And thereby hangs a thread of an idea that we might put some work into for next year…

There was a bit of running around and meeting people – for example the talented Sally Jane Thompson [External Link] was my roomy for the weekend, Miltos Yerolemou [External Link] came and watched some of our (non-panel) sword-y fun, Joanne Harris [External Link] was kind enough to speak to me as if my randomly striking up a conversation wasn’t creepy at all – but the event was so big and busy that I’m pretty sure I ended up effectively ignoring an awfully large number of people I should have or could have talked to.

I even remembered to take Mousie with me and she bagged five postcards, some of them without my help at all:

The next convention stop will be FantasyCon in Nottingham but there will be a slight diversion around the Rugby Union World Cup before then.

And, yet again, a reminder that I have a couple of my own books out: 25 Ways To Kill A Werewolf and A Pack of Lies. If you’ve read them, feedback and/or reviews would be gratefully received, thank you. You can find some background information to the world on this site (titles, genre, location, characters), along with the opening prologue and first chapter of 25 Ways if you want to get a feel for what they’re all about.

Sunday 2nd August, 2015

Well, I blinked and the next thing I knew, it was August. Time moves quickly, whether you’re enjoying yourself or not…

Although I’m not sure whether that’s a valid reason to start planning two years in advance. A former school friend of mine, Katie John (who also writes), has been setting up a new YA convention for the UK and I’ve agreed to be involved, so: mark Chapter.Con [External Link] in your diaries for August 24th – 27th, 2017!

While I’m not entirely sure what I’ll be doing, yet, I’ve been invited due to the Elkie Bernstein part of my Fur-Skins world. I’ve previously stated why I don’t consider 25 Ways To Kill A Werewolf and A Pack Of Lies to be Young Adult in genre. However, as it does deal with coming of age and learning how to cope with life, there’s a significant overlap and so Katie considers me a Person Of Interest for her convention. Of course, by the time the convention actually arrives, Elkie Bernstein’s story (or my act of trilogy) should be complete with the last book hopefully seeing print sometime next year. Fingers crossed that the currently entitled “Fool If You Think It’s Over” behaves itself…

So, please don’t forget that 25 Ways To Kill A Werewolf and A Pack of Lies exist in the wild. If you’ve read them, feedback and/or reviews would be gratefully received, thank you. You can find some background information to the world on this site (titles, location, characters), along with the opening prologue and first chapter of 25 Ways if you want to get a feel for what they’re all about.

Finally, next week’s post may be delayed or cancelled all together as I shall be at Nine Worlds in London. If you’re there, I’m part of a small team presenting HEMA for Writers: Swashbucklers and Bravoes on the Creative Writing Track – we’re up on Sunday afternoon but we will be wandering about all week and you may even see us sparring on occasion.

Sunday 19th July, 2015

Just a quiet week, this week. Mainly down to the fact that I had three out of four wisdom teeth removed on Thursday (yes, I am still moaning about it) and am still slightly out of it. I may or may not pull myself together for next week.

So, just reminders that A Pack of Lies is out. It’s the follow up to 25 Ways To Kill A Werewolf, so a lot of the background information I posted about the original (titles, genre, location, characters) may be of interest, along with the opening prologue and first chapter of 25 Ways if you want to get a feel for what they’re all about.

Sunday 12th July, 2015

So, Edge Lit #4 was attended, and I managed to make it through a reading of A Pack of Lies without anyone seriously objecting to my stumbling delivery, my lack of North Walian or Norwegian accent (where appropriate), or the stench of fear I no doubt carried around with me. It was a lot of fun meeting up with everyone again and my thanks to Alex Davis and hs team for organising it.

In other news for this week, I’ve had a rather lovely review of 25 Ways To Kill A Werewolf from E P Beaumont – someone who lives in a different country, on a different continent, who I barely know on Twitter, and who I did not put up to it. Beaumont read and reviewed my book alongside that of Skulk-mate Joyce Chng / J Damask’s Heart of Fire, which has a different sort of werewolf. The review post, which draws some interesting conclusions, is called Love in the Time of Starships: One Ordinary Day, with Werewolves [External Link]

If you want a feel for what 25 Ways To Kill A Werewolf and A Pack of Lies are like I have the opening prologue and first chapter of 25 Ways on this site (which Beaumont links back to).

That’s everything aside from mentioning this week’s updates at the Otherworld Gazetteer [External Link], which were about Unatural Resources and the Ranger service (it may make more sense if you link through). I know world building information isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but is my fake wiki working out or do you have any comments, changes or requests?

Sunday 5th July, 2015

This week is a week of reminders:

A Pack of Lies has been released into the wild. That link will take you through to my usual link soup but there’s a Goodreads page if you click on the small cover image to the right of the screen that will (eventually) take you to your local version of Amazon in order to buy it. If you so wish.

If you want a feel for what A Pack of Lies and its predecessor, 25 Ways To Kill A Werewolf, are like I have the opening prologue and first chapter of 25 Ways on this site.

I’m also at Edge Lit, where there will be a Fox Spirit / Boo Books launch during the lunch time slot. If things go according to plan, I shall be reading from A Pack of Lies and copies of both books should be available (from the publisher) at the event – so please do come along and listen.

Having past another first Wednesday of the month, I have a new post up at The Finishing School. This month, I’m talking about the assumption that anyone who carries on a martial art, particularly HEMA, long enough will become a teacher or instructor of said art – and whether this is an unavoidable fate. You can find the post here: [External Link]

Finally, this week’s updates at the Otherworld Gazetteer [External Link] were about second sight and The Great Explorer, both mentioned in the original Hunting Unicorns story.

Sunday 28th June, 2015

Following last week’s cover reveal for A Pack of Lies ([External Link]), the book in question has just been released by Amazon. You can find my usual link soup here for the paperback version on as well as a link for the Goodreads and BookLikes pages. When it becomes available as an ebook, I’ll update links accordingly.

As said before (and I will keep saying it despite, as Jacey Bedford [External Link] puts it, committing trilogy) it’s written to be accessible on its own. However, it does follow on in time and in characters from 25 Ways To Kill A Werewolf. So if you want the full experience, you can find the opening prologue and first chapter on this site.

I should be doing a reading from A Pack Of Lies during the Fox Spirit / Boo Books launch at Edge Lit during the lunch time slot, so come along and listen if you think you might want to give it a try.

This week’s updates at the Otherworld Gazetteer [External Link] were unicorns and spirit forms – concepts important to the Hunting Unicorns story…

Published: A Pack Of Lies

Fox Spirit Books [External Link] published A Pack Of Lies (in paperback) on Friday 26th June, 2015.

You can buy copies from here: [External Link] (Or your local version, just look the title up – if you have no objections to Amazon)

The kindle format of the ebook has been available since Monday 6th July, 2015. You can buy copies from here: [External Link] (Other Amazon sites are available…)

Ebooks are also available direct from Fox Spirit here: [External Link]

Goodreads page here: [External Link]

Booklikes page here: [External Link]

Novel, horror / dark fantasy (in the Fur-Skins world)

Sunday 21st June, 2015

Happy Birthday to my big sis, Sam, and Happy Father’s Day to anyone that does a father’s job.

Not a lot going on this week. However, there’s been a cover reveal for A Pack of Lies, which will hopefully be out in time for Edge Lit (three weeks to go), on the Fox Spirit blog. The blog page is here: [External Link] but I’ve also got a copy, so:

Covers of 25 Ways To Kill A Werewolf and A Pack Of Lies

The Elkie Bernstein series so far!

The bumpf on the back reads:

Ben is being held at the Institute in Norway and Elkie is angry, afraid and not entirely sure whether she is a prisoner or a guest. Her life is under threat both at the Institute and back home. Are werewolves capable of rehabilitation or redemption? What does the threatening Dr Olsen really want from Elkie and those she feels responsible for?

Can she trust anyone any more?

Killing werewolves may actually have been simpler that what she must now do.

Although it’s written to be accessible on its own, if you feel that sounded to complicated, you can always try 25 Ways To Kill A Werewolf first. And, look! I have the opening prologue and first chapter on the site.

I should, if all things go according to plan, be doing a reading from A Pack Of Lies during the Fox Spirit / Boo Books launch at Edge Lit during the lunch time slot, so come along and listen if you think you might want to give it a try.

Oh, and the hopefully-to-become-usual Tuesday and Thursday updates have continued at the Otherworld Gazetteer [External Link] – basically a slice of alternative history and geography!

Sunday 31st May, 2015

I have to be honest. This week is well and truly a “nothing to see here” week. I got the stuff I was working on finished off, but you’re not going to see the results for a while. Except for in the case of The Finishing School [External Link], where my next post is scheduled for Wednesday 3rd. If you fancy reading last month’s beforehand, you can find it here: [External Link]

Oh, and the cover for A Pack Of Lies is currently being worked on. I have seen (awesome) preliminary versions and it should be sorted for a big reveal soon. It’s designed by Sarah Anne Langton [External Link], who also designed the cover for 25 Ways To Kill A Werewolf and for the Fox Pocket books from Fox Spirit [External Link]. Fingers crossed for an official cover reveal soon. All I can say is it’s going to look fantastic on my desktop background alongside Elkie’s first outing.