Sunday 24th May, 2015

Sorry, everyone. I basically didn’t have anything to say last week, so I didn’t say anything at all. Not that I’m doing much better this week! That said, things are going on behind the scenes. The things I [think I] can mention are:

  • I’m now six chapters in to my latest long work in progress, A Fistful of Feathers. As the working title suggests, this involves some rivalries like Yojimbo / A Fistful of Dollars / name a remake. However, it’s not actually all that similar. For a start, it involves griffins – and a crazy griffin lady. It’s more that the name sounded good than I decided to run off with the plot.
  • I’m also playing around with a piece of flash fiction intended for The Future Fire [External Link] as part of their tenth birthday. The Future Fire have been kind enough to rehome three of my stories in the past and, if you’re interested, you can find them here (along with lots of other free fiction): [External Link]
  • I’ve drafted my next blog post for The Finishing School [External Link] and need to polish things up to get it sorted for publishing. I’m aiming for the first week in June.
  • This is the moment where I confess that I also produce some copy for the UK Magnetics Society’s MagNews [External Link], specifically a few stories under “Industry News”. I only started in March and it’s a quarterly publication with the next round due in June. Which means I shall be spending my Bank Holiday tomorrow checking out some magnet related news and producing some copy. Along with dog walking of course. I’m not allowed to forget the dog walking.